Author: FYA

Don’t be a Romantic! — Part Two

Don’t be a Romantic! — Part Two

In our last blog, I explained why it can be dangerous to fall in love with ideas and lose focus on execution. So considering that what should a startup be focusing on? Here are the three things that can make or break a startup: 1. Structure It is very important to understand that a business has a legal side and having the right paperwork goes a long way. Also, think of structure in terms of the people that become a part of your business and what core functions will they be executing. Managing people is a core part of a successful startup because your team can be your biggest asset but also remember they come with a fixed cost that will be a major chunk of your burn. Remember, as an entrepreneur you can’t do everything on your own! 2. Profitability There are a lot of startups that focus on the adoption of their services and products versus profitability. Keep your eyes on the prize. While investors are ok with startups bleeding for a few years in order to become a mass accepted service/product, this usually motivates people to lose sight of the cost of customer acquisition and then most things go downhill from there. Any resource whether time, energy or money is spent must have a measurable and acceptable return on investment! 3. Scalability No one wants to invest in or run a company that can’t grow beyond its first ten customers. There must be constant innovation and growth because that is an undefined goal of every startup. It’s crucial to keep an eye on the competition, changes in technology and ensuring your concept is future proof. Someone bought 500 horses a day before the car was invented!
Posted by FYA
How Online Reputation Can Make or Break Your Brand

How Online Reputation Can Make or Break Your Brand

With Online Reputation prevailing way before social media existence, it’s importance has risen with the passing time. Previously, information was sought through Google with not many other transparent sources as that of curated content from various private websites. With the advent of the digital age and social media gaining it’s deserved significance, individuals realized how easy had it become to hold and voice their opinions online. It was then learned how important had it become to have a good online reputation. In today’s time, no product or service is bought before looking it up and scrolling through the reviews it has received. Every item, be it an immensely expensive one or averagely priced, each goes through a series of reviews from YouTubers and Influencers before forming public opinion. The foremost reason for building a positive online reputation is the purchasing decision that it drives. With a statistic of 80% of people purchasing a product after reading a review online and 70% purchasing on recommendations by friends, decisions have been altered by the addition of social commerce on applications to drive people to make a purchase. 84% of marketers believe that marketing efforts must be primarily focused on building an online reputation and trust us it’s number one for making a sales-worthy impression. It is a common belief of some that advertisements work better to drive people’s interest and generate sales. But as the statistics prove, a small 14% of the audience happens to trust advertisements whilst 78% trust recommendations that they read online or from their peers. Apart from reviews per se, an influencer visiting a place and seen having a good time on social media persists as a part of online reputation. With more and more people following the discovery trend where they end up trying something new, be it products, services or restaurants, online reputation acts as a crucial turning point for brands. Hence, having positivity dripping from all you have to offer to your audience is a must as it determines a brands success scales.
Posted by FYA
We’re Growing And Here’s What Can Be Expected From Us In 2017!

We’re Growing And Here’s What Can Be Expected From Us In 2017!

In today’s competitive world, there’s one thing that each one of us seeks, Growth! FYA has always looked at growth from a very “NOW” perspective. Living in the digital world, we soon noticed that technology is changing too fast and so is our growing dependency on it. The trends come in and fade away at a pace so quick that publishers, businesses and agencies are all failing to keep up with it. Always looking at growth from a single aspect, we came to realize the importance of an in-house website department as the mobile revolution took place in 2012. It was easy to figure that with the revolution, most brands and businesses would want to have their websites revamped that can be accessed through their phones which were available in the market in various screen sizes. Achieving much growth with the newly formed website department that functioned organically, the scenario changed and then came the trend of paid advertisements. With constant changes and to survive the upcoming trends of E-commerce websites, News and Media websites, mobile applications, etc we created a team of developers. There was a huge amount of time that was utilized just for collecting data for the past 2 years and we realized the massive disconnect between our offline and online audience. We predicted that the analytic aspect of the business is going to be huge and we decided to make plans of expanding the development team on a very serious level to serve businesses looking out for a digital transformation. We came across the business who don’t just need social media strategies but they wish to get into it all whether it’s building software, back-end, the analytics, reach or influencers. Understanding their needs and the demand for a system that can help them look after HR, Inventory, Accounts, Marketing, POS, CRM and Lead Management systems, etc, we created one called PULSE. To attract more agencies and businesses, we agreed on charging a one-time fee with the liberty of choosing the module of their choice and paying for only that particular one. We strived to get past the barriers that existed due to the age-old systems where the analysis was difficult to get, their inaccessibility on the phones, etc. We intend to grow our software and make it a system that can seamlessly help businesses to carry out their functions. Another thing we wish to focus on this year is to create a very strong content team. When it comes to content, we are trying to create a team that can provide the best user experience as customers instead of an agency. We are looking at creating content that feels real, live and is first-hand so as to interest the audience! These are the growth plans we see for ourselves in the coming months of 2017!
Posted by FYA
Everyone Has An Opinion On Marketing, Here’s Ours!

Everyone Has An Opinion On Marketing, Here’s Ours!

Marketing itself is a very open term has made people have various opinions. With various aspects involved within the term such as ATL, BTL, digital engagement etc, everyone’s perspective about the same differs from the other. With time, the ideologies and ways to work in the market has changed. There are the old-school agencies that tend to focus most of their efforts in branding activities like brand awareness, plans to design memorable logos to boost brand recall value etc as it is believed to have larger importance in terms of creativity and earning. The new-age thinking has very subtly blended in the marketing activities recently that believes in generating creative ideas to get in touch and engage with the audience. It has been extremely crucial to balance the two where branding, as well as direct customer relationship, needs to be focused on. With the constant clash between the branding and digital agencies that follow varied ideologies, here is our simple opinion on Marketing, “It doesn’t make sense if it doesn’t add value”. A strategy of 5 years to create an impeccable brand recall is not something that we believe in. If creating a brand recall with a single-digit number on a personal, one-on-one level is achieved, it talks a lot because word of mouth in today’s time is what works the best. It is important to create an action that talks about your brand, make people use your brand and talk about it themselves to generate an audience organically. This is the simple logic we believe in, “Every action that a brand takes, has to help them gain something in return. There has to be an ROI on it and if it doesn’t, that’s a massive waste of time and money.” We are one of the best Digital Media Agencies in Mumbai providing complete internet marketing services like SEO, Social Media, PPC, SEM and much more. Get in touch with us via call or text today!
Posted by FYA
How to Cultivate a Winning Culture at Startup

How to Cultivate a Winning Culture at Startup

The only thing that a startup usually focuses on its survival. Many founders struggle and thus fail to find the time to define the culture they aspire to follow! You set one for yourself or not, a culture exists at all times. Culture drives the value of the business but if non-defined, creates negation in the smooth working environment. So why allow an uncontrolled negative culture to take over the attitudes of the employees when you can set a rightly motivated one? Make sure the culture you are trying to define is a winning one with these pointers! 1. Decide upon the core values Every company needs some core values, values that make the company what it is. So decide it earlier, when a startup is still in its infancy, as to what kind of company you want to become. Do you want to become like IBM or Google, and what values will help you get there. Understand those values then communicate and incorporate them. And uphold those values in everything you do, from the interaction with your client to enjoying a coffee break. 2. Find the purpose No, I am not talking about the ‘make a loads of money’ or ‘create the greatest product’ I am talking about the ultimate purpose of why you are doing, what you are doing. So if you are a digital marketing company, your purpose can be of helping people and businesses to expand their ventures through digital tools. Communicate the purpose with every employee, employees are far happier and satisfied with their jobs when they are working at a purpose-driven company. 3. Keep it in check Culture is not something that you work on once and then forget about it. It’s an always ongoing process that requires a lot of patience and persistence. You will need to keep it in check all the time. One bad apple can have a significant bad influence if you let it. Especially when you are hiring, hire for value fit. Make sure that the person you are hiring is capable of keeping up with the culture that you have spent a lot of time and energy building. 4. Be a little loose, but not sloppy Okay, so it’s a startup and it should look and feel like one, you don’t need to go all corporate. But loose doesn’t mean sloppy. A little fun never harms anybody, as long as the work gets done. Startups work out best when there are lesser formal processes without compromising accountability. Thanks for reading.
Posted by FYA
Creating a Social Media Team

Creating a Social Media Team

Many companies earlier questioned the need for a digital media team. With the growing importance, the rising necessity is now being recognized. Social media has the ability to unlock doors to new audiences and give a truly unique way to engage with those talking about a brand. But how does one create a perfect team? The first thing to be understood when creating a digital team is to know what you are trying to sell. Are you a brand that is focused on selling your product, your creativity, your content, your concept or are you a company that sells itself as a whole. You also need to determine what is your position, who is your target market, what message do you want to spread and how you want it to reach them. Once you have planned and outlined these aspects, it’s time to start building your own team. The general mistake, when creating a digital team, is to narrow your focus on the skills of the people you hire. A golden rule to a digital dream team is: “Focus on your Employee as a Person and Not as a Resume”. It’s more important to understand what an employee is truly capable of instead of simply looking at what he brings to the table at this point. Social Media, by itself, evolves faster than we can blink our eyes. When spearheading such a mission, to have someone who is purely keyed in on his own specific skill would act detrimental to the performance of the entire team. It is essential to have an employee who is not only dynamic in nature but also motivates himself to learn more and to explore more. An employee keeps building his skills over time, but an efficient employee builds his skill and keeps absorbing and moulding new skills every day. The entire work of a Digital Team can be categorized into three main channels: 1. Liaison Client Service is one of the most challenging functions that any employee can undertake. Not only is he required to get a clear idea about the client’s vision, but it is also important to reassure the client and have a proper chain of communication. 2. Content The content writer focuses on delivering the vision of the client in the most concise, clear and correct way possible. He is burdened with the task of ensuring that there is no miscommunication of any sort to ensure that no false or incorrect or distorted information reaches the targeted audience. 3. Design The designer is the creative brain behind the entire show. He is required to be dynamic in the sense that he should understand the fine balance between being subtle and being loud. For example, if an ad jingle is too loud and in the entire pomp the true message of the product is lost, it becomes a useless expenditure for the company and for the client. In the same way, some ads require subtle designing and some require attractive designing. Therefore, a designer should be able to toggle between various aesthetics and should be able to perceive the response for all types of audiences. If you manage to employ the right people or have already reached that stage, you need to focus on your role in the agency or the company. There are two major things that you need to focus on. The first is your strategy for growth and detailing it out in terms of milestones. Basically, you are creating the path that you want to follow to reach your aim. The second thing that you need to work on is your ad spends. Ad spends is a huge part of any media marketing and therefore it cannot be ignored. This would also include some kind of budgeting and adjusting of available finances to ensure that the goals are achieved without straining the resources of the company. Lastly, it is very important to create and promote the right kind of work culture. It is not necessary to adhere to set specific norms, but it is essential that a general outline is defined. The thing about the work culture is that it will grow whether or not you want it. So it is better if you create and mould it the way you want so you get the results that you desire. It is in an atmosphere that promotes an exchange of creativity, where ideas can be freely discussed and innovation knows no boundaries, that you will find your “Perfect Digital Team”.
Posted by FYA
Instagram Stories VS Snapchat
Social Media Marketing

Instagram Stories VS Snapchat

It is not a surprise when we say that everything is present on social media. Pulling out a phone, there is just one thing that the world is talking about and every social networking site is filled with it! Mark Zuckerberg introduced a new concept and feature of Instagram stories wherein users can upload images and videos that disappear in a day’s time. They can also share their daily content, add filters, stickers and doodles. Doesn’t it all sound familiar? Mentioning a story, what is the first thing that pops in the head of a phone-savvy person? Of course, it’s the Snapchat Story that has been the talk on every youngster’s tongue for the past 3 years. Here’s why it is the new interesting talk of the town, Facebook has stolen the basic concepts from Snapchat and introduced an exact replica of it, calling it the Instagram Stories. The efforts and intentions of Mark Zuckerberg have been out in the open since the time he tried to buy Snapchat for about $3Billion that was turned down in no time. Announcing the introduction of Slingshot, Facebook’s version of Snapchat, was another step that displayed his efforts to drive a larger audience to his applications with most of it in vain that forced Facebook to delete the announcement later. Updates have been hoped to work constantly without many positive outcomes. Every platform on social media is competing with the other but the question of why is Facebook is so desperate to take over Snapchat arises time and again! Snapchat has grown to be the native camera of people where they instantly click and capture moments and can share the same as their story and save later. Snapchat has proved to be the more content sharing platform over Instagram over the years. Instagram is the visual application that revolves around sharing images, likes and comments when most people can’t care less about the number of double clicks they get. Users looking for something that helps them share more real-time content, more contextual content. As mentioned in one of our earlier blogs, Facebook and Snapchat are competing head-to-head with an almost equal rate of user retention and Instagram is tried to be squeezed in the war. With the same monotonous and repetitive content, despite a large number of active users, Instagram has realized the need to reinvent itself to gain even more importance and user base. With the replica version of Snapchat, Instagram has tried to have an increase in the number of daily images shared by users and steal the latter’s position as the native camera of the people. Talking about the views we share, we don’t think that Instagram is going to succeed in the same. There is a different lot of people one follows and allows to follow on each platform. It’s all about what the users are used to working on! Having the same feature on another app doesn’t help one change their choices that easy! Yes, there would be a smaller lot of people who would test it and use it just to feed their curiosity. But we don’t see Instagram Stories having a successful future till there is the active presence of Snapchat in the market. The discussion about what would be successful and what would not continue to confuse the brands as to what to do next. Adapting and trying something new is the part and parcel of being in the social media industry. Brands must jump to Instagram Stories for now as the whole world is talking about the same and everyone’s attention is on it! They can adapt and advertise themselves through Instagram stories for the time being, till the time the craze is maintained and is up! But it is advisable to not lose sight of Snapchat as it is going to remain the big-thing in the long run!
Posted by FYA
Why Regional Social Media is Crucial - Helo
Media Planning & Buying

Why Regional Social Media is Crucial – Helo

There has been a growth of 94% in Hindi content consumption, as per Google Data. This shows the impact of regional languages. Global companies have kept this fact in mind and are focusing on local dialects as a part of their strategy.  This is where regional apps like Helo can help brands increase presence with an extremely targeted audience who consume content in regional language. KPMG predicts that by 2021, there will be 201 million Hindi speaking internet users. Hindi is also one of the top 10 high demand business languages. Out of the 90 million+ surveyed digital users, more than half are non-English readers and more than two-third of Hindi readers are also reading English. Regional languages have surpassed English with a 66% share in overall content consumption. Across all regional languages, News as a genre sees the highest content consumption at 67%, followed by Sports at 17% and Entertainment at 16%. Results of the study highlight that content consumption in regional languages among younger audiences is fast-growing, with consumption among Indians in the 25-34 age group being the highest. According to a study done by KPMG, 70 percent of internet users find local language digital content to be more reliable than English language content. Hence, it is extremely important for brands to move in early on this trend and look at regional social media as the next big thing! Helo is the leading social media platform made for global desis. Their mission is to add color to your life and bring everyone together, empowering you to create and share content in your own language, as well as connect with your wider community. Helo is available in 14 languages including Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and more.  Helo is among the top apps downloaded on the Google Play store in 2018. Headquartered in New Delhi, Helo is available in India as well as in the USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, South Africa, and Bangladesh for iOS and Android.  Helo has opened up its ad properties for brands in India.  Types of Ads FYA Media Group is one of the best Media Planning and Buying Agencies in Mumbai, India. Our structured media plans across multiple ad networks including TikTok & Helo help clients to improve their brand’s performance and maximize their ROI. We would love to help you as well.
Posted by FYA
Advertising on TikTok
Media Planning & Buying

Advertising on TikTok

India is the biggest market for TikTok in terms of the number of users after China. It has gained about 200 million users in India and is providing immense competition to the social media giants like Facebook & Instagram.   As of today, TikTok has 170 million monthly active users. The top 10 cities include – Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, and Indore. While the Bytedance-owned company didn’t impact the revenue churn by the Facebook ecosystem in India till the second half of last year, it’s no more the case as TikTok started a push to make money over the past months.  TikTok has set a target to cross Rs 100 crore in the July-Sep quarter this year. Brands whose target audience fall under age bracket 18 to 36 have been seeing TikTok as a more engaging platform than Facebook and Google ecosystems.  Considering all the factors combined advertising on TikTok is now a no brainer and brands should make the most of this platform.  Types of Ads FYA Media Group is one of the best Media Planning and Buying Agencies in Mumbai, India. Our structured media plans across multiple ad networks including TikTok & Helo help clients to improve their brand’s performance and maximize their ROI. We would love to help you as well.
Posted by FYA
14 Questions to Ask Clients Before Starting a Website Project
Website Designing

14 Questions to Ask Clients Before Starting a Website Project

We have created a list of questions that you need to ask clients before starting a website designing and development project. By getting the answers, we will also get clarity as to what is the client’s requirement. 1.Name of your domain? This is the very first step to know as to what is your domain name as this would help you to know if you have to work on the existing domain or buy a new one for them and accordingly you’ll pitch about your project.  2. Is there a tagline associated with your Logo? tagline and logo are very important, so you need to raise this point as to do they have just logo or both, so you’ll accordingly focus on the content and designing. Usually, clients with tagline have a vision behind the service they provide so it’s very important to know if they have or not so accordingly you can decide things during designing and development of the website.  3. What is the main objective behind launching this website? Before you try to understand your client’s motivation, you need to understand their own. the potential client may want a website because of their need to keep up with their competition or just because they need to spend some amount of money before the year-end.  Whatever be the client’s answer to “what is the main objective behind the new website” maybe, you’re going to ask several more “whys and whats” to get to their motivations. 4. List a few websites of your competitors This is a great question because this helps you to understand their style they like but at the same time, it’s a good chance to know what works for the competition. According to the collected data and research, you make some final suggestions which could get you on good books.  5. List a few websites you like This need not be their competitor, as the client may like some of the websites designed and developed which may be from different fields so it helps us to know news things and designs, etc.    6. Do you have a hosting server or the domain of your business? Just like the name of the domain if the client already has a hosting plan or are they looking to purchase, so you need to know whether that will be done by you’ll or not. 7. Describe your business in brief The major problem that comes up with website projects is because of miscommunication between what the client wants and what the developer thinks the client does. Do a bit of research before meeting the potential client but also ask them about their business in detail as we cannot take the current website as a base and decide things and that’s why they want a new website.  8. What pages do you think needs to be there in the website according to your business? Don’t forget to ask this question, as you may think a page or two doesn’t matter much but in case of developing it takes a lot of time so it’s important to ask the client as to what all web pages they want on their website so accordingly, you know what all content, images are needed and how much time would be allowed for it. 9. List your complete product line. In case the client deals with any specific product then we should be knowing it so they should provide all the details of the product they deal with so we can focus on them and we know what product are we exactly dealing with. 10. Who would be your target audience? Another highly important question to be asked is what target audience are they looking to focus on, as this will tell you what kind of people the client wants to reach out to. so please ask the client to specify additional information about their target audience like the Age group, Industry, Nationality, Tastes, etc?. A site designed for college students and office employees would look completely different as a response to things that vary from person to person.   12. Do You Have a Brand Color or any color Palette? This looks very easy but it’s not as you have to ask two questions as to do you have any specific colors and fonts that you want us to focus on? Do you want us to use the same color on the new website too? You need to ask this as a new website often comes when the company decides to rebrand itself so they may be looking for a change then their old one so you will have to build the design with new elements altogether. if they go with the same color and font then you need to look for such fonts that are not easily available hence this question is a little trickier.  13. Do you have a soft copy of your company Logo? (Vector Image preferred) It is a very vital question, like the website, can not be made without the logo as logo portrays you as a brand and also help for brand building over a while so ask the client if they can provide the soft copy of their company logo like in the following format: Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw or EPS so then we will be able to use it or else we need to create a whole new logo with our designers. it’s better to ask to avoid any kind of awkward communication like do the logo in the same retainer.  14. Please provide any images you would like included on your website.   Without images, the website looks very boring and baseless so it’s important to have images on the website so do ask the client if they have any existing images or do you’ll need to buy the paid ones or how is it. so when you start with the website developing and designing, you need not ask if it is paid or free if they are willing to spend.  We have been rated one of the Best Website Design and Development Company in Mumbai, FYA Media Group has a team of expert Website Designers who create beautiful, engaging, bug-free websites. Our codes are optimized in the most structured manner to create technically strong websites. Let us know how can we be of assistance to you.
Posted by FYA