Tag: Snapchat Spectacles

Case Study

How We Intend To Creatively Use Snapchat Spectacles For Business

There have been many features introduced by various social media platforms in recent times with the one talked about the most being Snapchat. The world has been buzzing about the Snapchat Spectacles that have added an opportunity for people and businesses to go crazy over creativity. Getting my hands on them and using them for a while, these spectacles have changed my way of looking at content creation. Completely changing an individual’s perspective with the wide-angle shots and automated save to the memories, the content generated I believe is a lot more interesting and engaging. The user experience is extremely immersive. Blowing my mind with the number of creative possibilities, I definitely intend on generating a lot of internal content when it comes to our routine Monday morning meetings, meetings with various clients and of course the daily start-up news. The spectacles, I believe are sure to bring a completely new perspective when it comes to working with FYA Group as every snap would help the audience feel like they are a part of the conversation per se and it works leaps and bounds when it comes to striking that connects with the viewers. Just like everything has a different side, with having fun while playing around with these spectacles at work, our clients, be it restaurant owners or fashion magazine editors can add a different perspective to their brands. We can now go behind the scenes and give the audience a tour in the kitchen and also show what’s it like to view exclusive shows in person. Many people currently underestimate the power to carry one-on-one questionnaires on Snapchat. Building a wide audience around various platforms and urging them to ask questions via Snapchat is definitely going to help us create an entire web series and deliver the experience of first-handedly answering their questions! I believe that the spectacles are going to change the look of content creation in the digital world and it’s going to be huge when it comes to execution of creativity.
Posted by FYA
Snapchat Spectacles

Snapchat Spectacles

Snapchat, the most widely used image messaging application never fails to bring in unique updates from time to time. In October 2016 Snapchat Inc. introduced a pair of connected sunglasses called the Snapchat Spectacles. Intended to provide an impeccably exciting experience, these funky looking glasses were strategized to be sold as uniquely. Wending machines known as the SnapBots were placed at different locations across the USA, disclosing a particular one only a day prior to sell these little snippet recorders. Being the first hardware product launched, Snapchat now tries to portray itself as much more than just an application. Agencies getting their hands on these innovators have now handed a few to their clients for a first-hand experience. Bringing a bigger shift in the face of the industry, Spectacles have overdone other live features on platforms such as Facebook Live and Periscope which hadn’t been taken as seriously prior. Snapchat has made it a point wherein the client needs to get involved in the duration of content on Social Media. The involvement of brands in terms of what and how creative strategies can be put in place to come up with interesting contextual content to engage with the audience has been proved mandatory after the announcement of Snapchat Spectacles. With multiple duplications of its features by Facebook and Instagram, Snapchat has yet not been replaced as the native camera. Despite Instagram’s high user-base, it has yet not been able to achieve as much engagement on its stories as compared to Snap stories which have proven to be a major setback for the platform itself. Focusing and pushing the idea of not making it necessary to pull out your phone to capture experiences, Snapchat has introduced a safer version of Google glasses with one of the side cameras lighting up while recording a video. With the chance of going crazy over experiences, Snaptacles have changed how we capture the moments forever!
Posted by FYA